Practical Dermoscopy

Tax included

Enrolment dates do not apply for this course. You may enroll at any time through the year and will receive 12 weeks access. However, the interactive elements of the course, including webinars, case discussion forum, workshops and marking will only occur during Trimester times. 

Full course content, date and fee information provided in the description below or on our website at Practical Dermoscopy


Tri 3 2024: 19th Aug - 10th Nov + f2f workshop Brisbane – 12th of October (Subject to change)

Customer Status


This 12 week blended course consists of approximately 54 study hours, and will teach participants the skills and knowledge to put dermoscopy theory into practice and develop a thorough understanding of how it can be used to manage patients with skin cancer.

Online Modules

This 12 week blended course consists of 6 online modules which cover the following topics:

  1. History examination & lighting
  2. Morphology of skin lesions
  3. Science behind dermoscopy
  4. Dermoscopy basics
  5. Histopathology correlations
  6. Choice of biopsy

Practical Workshops

Come to our face-to-face workshops and obtain hands-on practice.


Attend or watch online webinars and participate in open discussions on diagnosis and management direct with our expert Dermatologists


Complete each end-of-topic quiz, the case studies and a final online exam


GP's $1,950

GP Registrars $1,850


This course is aimed at General Practitioners, Registrars and prevocational Doctors.

Boost your confidence in skin health and apply these principles as a guide for appropriate referral to a dermatologist when required. Call (02) 8741 4140 for more information! 

These courses are designed to provide Doctors and related health professionals with knowledge and skills in a range of Dermatology and skin health areas to develop their expertise and confidence in dealing with patients who present with dermatological conditions. It aims to assist you in the day-to-day management of these patients and in making the decision as to when to refer a patient to a Dermatologist.

Completion of this course does not provide you with qualifications in dermatology or guarantee you access into the ACD Specialist Training Program. In order to practice as a Specialist Dermatologist you must complete the ACD Specialist Training Program. Information on the Training Program requirements are outlined hereBecoming a Dermatologist

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